22 Saves Experience

The solidarity of a group provides the strongest protection against despair and the strongest antidote to traumatic experience. Trauma isolates; the group re-creates a sense of belonging

(Judith Herman, MD., Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School).

The 22 Saves Hockey program is a therapeutic ice hockey program. It represents the core of the “22 Saves” membership experience. The aim of the hockey program is to contribute to factors that are known to be protective in nature for those struggling with a sense of no longer having a purpose, no longer belonging, or suffering from depression, substance abuse, and other risk factors.

22 Saves Hockey is about re-establishing the bonds of brotherhood that were formed when sharing a common purpose in military service. Transitioning from military to civilian life can leave the most well-adjusted person feeling without purpose, isolated, and disconnected. Being on a team, on the ice, is a liberating and grounding experience.